About PedsPal
Who is PedsPal? We're a group purchasing organization (GPO) created in 2004 by the physicians at Cook Children's Health Care System who wanted to help other physicians save money on practice expenses, especially vaccines. Our model proved very popular, and through peer-to-peer recommendations grew to serve more than 20,000 physicians. We began in pediatrics, but today offer savings to providers in nearly every specialty.
We have members throughout the United States and our savings have grown to include everything needed for a successful practice.
We serve:
- Individual practices
- Large group practices
- Medical societies
- Hospitals
- County health departments
Your PedsPal membership is completely free because we are funded through administrative fees paid by our supplier partners to encourage member loyalty. These fees do not increase your product cost - rather they are borne by the vendors as a sales cost.
Because our goal is your success, we share our admin fees with our most loyal members. To-date we have paid our members more than $3 million in shared admin fees.
How is PedsPal different from other group purchasing organizations?
- Created by physicians to help other physicians – our goal is your success
- Outstanding service
- Vaccine reimbursement advice and expanded vaccine supply options
- Improved vaccine storage solutions
- Strategic partnerships with medical societies and groups to help fund their growth
PedsPal frequently asked questions:
Is membership really free?
Yes, we are paid by our suppliers to run the program and to encourage you to use their products and services and each year we'll send you a report showing you exactly what we were paid.
When I join, how do I purchase?
When you submit your membership paperwork, we'll review it and request anything more that we need to submit you as a new member to our vendor partners. They then link your account(s) to our pricing. We'll notify you once this is complete. If you are buying Sanofi, Merck and/or Pfizer vaccines, you continue to buy them just as you do today, but at our discounted prices. If you are already using Henry Schein, you continue to use your Henry Schein representative or order by phone or order online, whichever you prefer. If you are new to Henry Schein, we will have a Henry Schein rep assigned to you. Our members receive their orders directly from our vendor partners and pay them for those orders. If you have any vendor issues, we are here to help resolve them for you.
Can I be a member of PedsPal and another GPO?
Some of our vendor agreements require you to commit 80% or more of your volume to that vendor. Because all of our vendors have given us great pricing, we'd like you to support them. At the same time, our goal is for you to save money, so if you feel like you need to be in PedsPal and another GPO, please give us a call and we'll help you determine your best option.
One more note about joining:
The GPO business is competitive, and you may already be a member of a GPO and may not know it. When we submit your paperwork to link you to PedsPal we may be told that your previous GPO won't release you to join PedsPal because they don't want to lose your business. If that happens, we'll work with you and your current GPO to help you determine how you would like to proceed and then we'll do the leg work to help you achieve your goal.
Need help enrolling?
Can't locate a certain vaccine? Have a question not answered elsewhere? When you call, you'll get answers and you'll never be lost in a maze of phone prompts or voicemail.